Auge um Auge mit den roten Elefanten von 

Tsavo Ost


A selection of our excursion programs

1/2 Day Mombasa City Tour

The old town of Mombasa is now largely preserved as it in the 19th Century was. In its narrow streets, Arab houses are, many with traditional carved and inlaid with brass doors. In addition, there are many mosques, spices and coffee shops. Dhows moored in the Old Port, and although their number decreased greatly, they still always serve as the main means of transportation with various Arab ports, as they did the last 2000 years. Here you can still watch the loading of goods on the old trade – dhows. The dhows are usually at the beginning of December with the northeast monsoon and bring traditional freight: dates, dried fish, a few rugs, and traditional chests. They usually go in mid-May with the south-east monsoon and a cargo of boriti (mangrove trunks), ghee and lemon again. Previously there was also its cargo of slaves and ivory. A good starting point for a visit is Fort Jesus would have visited it easy. Once there were over 50 mosques in the old town, now used only slightly more than 20.

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